5 Ways to Save Money on Gas

Balancing a budget can be tough. If you’re struggling to find ways to cut back, consider your gas bill. While it may seem miniscule, you can definitely save money by not going through as much fuel, and ultimately, it all adds up.

Here are 5 ways to save money on gas.

1. Change Your Driving Habits

You can increase your gas mileage and save money by easing up on the accelerator and giving your brakes a break. If you have cruise control, use it on the highway to increase your gas mileage. Around town, try not to idle if at all possible slow down gradually to stop and ease on the brakes, and accelerate slowly from a dead stop. These small changes in your driving habits will noticeably save you money on gas.

2. Know When to Buy Your Gas

It would be great if gas prices changed once a month. Sadly, they don’t. However, if they are going to rise during the week, it’s usually on Thursday before the weekend comes, so avoid buying gas through the weekend if you can. When summer holidays like Victoria Day or Canada Day approach, you should gas up as far in advance as possible. These holiday weekends tend to be a popular time for price increases due to the number of people travelling. Gas prices go up when demand is expected to go up.

3. Know Where to Buy Your Gas

There are many apps, like Gas Buddy, that can help you to find the cheapest gas possible. The important thing is to make sure that the “cheap” gas station you choose is close to home. Never make a trip just for gas or you’ll have trouble saving money on gas. The amount of gas you spend on getting to the pump just might eat up your savings if you get stuck in traffic or have to travel too far. Try to schedule fill-ups around other activities, like grocery shopping.

4. Take Advantage of Rewards Programs

There are a number of rewards systems that give out coupons or discounts on price per litre for gas. Sign up through your local gas station if you haven’t already. Keep in mind that the gas at your rewards station may not have the best prices, so you might have to forego rewards points if you can get gas cheaper somewhere else.

5. Keep Your Car in Good Working Order

For starters, ensure that your tires are properly inflated to enjoy better gas mileage, especially on long trips. Additionally, swapping out old air filters for new ones can help save. These two maintenance tips take minutes but will result in huge savings.

Learning how to save money on gas is an easy way to add money back into your budget. If you require more assistance with your debt management, contact our counsellors, They can help you find the right solutions.

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