15 Warning Signs of Debt Problems

Debt is not only very personal, it can be stressful, but how do you know when it’s time to ask for help? There are several warning signs that may indicate you are in need of assistance in order to get your finances back on track. These debt warning signs can include the following:

  1. You rarely pay your bills on time
  2. A large portion of your income is going towards your debt(s)
  3. You’re over the limit on your credit cards
  4. You’re only making the minimum payments on your credit cards and/or line of credit each month
  5. You use credit for everyday expenses
  6. You find it difficult to keep utilities up to date
  7. You avoid answering the telephone for fear of who is calling
  8. You’ve consolidated your debts and now have new credit card balances
  9. Your financial institution has declined to consolidate your debts
  10. You take out cash advances on one credit card to pay another
  11. You’re losing sleep worrying about your financial situation
  12. Your finances cause stress and arguments at home
  13. You’re unsure how much you owe in total
  14. There is no budget or spending plan in place
  15. You feel a sense of hopelessness that you’ll never get out of debt

If you are experiencing any of these warning signs and need to know what to do next, contact us today to speak with one of our accredited credit counsellors. We provide free, confidential and non-judgmental advice tailored to your situation. Get in touch now to book a consultation.

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